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Previous own projects

- Peter Schärli: “Don’t Change Your Hair For Me” (1993 - 2023)
Thomas Dürst b, Antonia Giordano voc/git, Sandy Patton voc, Peter Schärli tp
- Peter Schärli Big Trio featuring Sandy Patton and Glenn Ferris (2018 - 2023)
Thomas Dürst b, Glenn Ferris tb, Antonia Giordano voc/git, Sandy Patton voc, Hans-Peter Pfammatter p, Peter Schärli tp
- Peter Schärli: “So auch!” (2018)
Barbara Berger voc, Jean-Jacques Pedretti tb, Peter Schärli management / tp and students from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences – Music 
Composition commissioned by the Hochschule Luzern - Musik and Alpentöne Festival 
Performed at the Alpine Tones Festival 2017, Altdorf
See also current bands (new line-up)
- Peter Schärli “Klangerlebnis/Sound Experience” (2008 – 2015)
Lauren Newton voc, Sylwia Zytynska perc, Jean-Jacques Pedretti tb, Peter Schärli tp 
(often with guests)
- Peter Schärli Trio featuring Ithamara Koorax (2005 -2012)
Ithamara Koorax voc, Hans Peter Pfammatter p, Thomas Dürst b, Peter Schärli tp
2005 - 2006 Markus Stalder g instead of Hans Peter Pfammatter p
- Peter Schärli Trio / Peter Schärli Quintet
- Peter Schärli Quintet with guest artist Glenn Ferris
- Peter Schärli Special Sextet featuring Glenn Ferris and Tom Varner
- Peter Schärli Special Sextet featuring Glenn Ferris, guest Barbara Berger
  (1981 – 2011)
- Peter Schärli Special Choice II (1992 – 1993)
Dom Um Romão perc, Burhan Oeçal perc, Fredy Studer dr, David Gattiker clo, Hämi Hämmerli b, Glenn Ferris tb, Roland Philipp ts/ss, Peter Schärli tp
Concerts in Switzerland
CD “April Works” (Unit Records 4095) also with musicians from Africa: Stella Rambisai Chiweshe voc/mbira, Leonard Ngwenya perc, Biboul Darouiche perc
- Peter Schärli Special Choice I (1985 – 1991)
Urs Blöchlinger reeds, Oliver Magnenat b, Olivier Clerc dr, Peter Schärli tp
From 1989 with Daniel Bourquin (reeds) instead of Urs Blöchlinger
Concerts in Austria and Switzerland, Jazz Festival Willisau 1988
LP “Wenn's im Sommer ins Kino schneit” Guest: Tom Varner frh (Plainisphare LP 1267-32, 1987)
- Mais (2003 – 2004)
Charlotte Hug br, Bruno Amstad voc, Peter Schärli tp
Concerts in Switzerland
- Schärli-Pickard-Rutherford-Rogers-Marsh (2002) 
Paul Rutherford tb, Simon Picard reeds, Peter Schärli tp, Paul Rogers b, Tony Marsh dr
Concerts in Switzerland and London
- Peter Schärli double vision / Peter Schärli triple vision (2002 – 2004)
Umberto Arlati, Lars Lindvall, Peter Schärli tp, Vince Benedetti p, Hämi Hämmerli b, Peter Schmidlin dr 
Peter Schärli double vision without Umberto Arlati
Concerts in Austria and Switzerland
See also current bands (Elmar Frey replaces Peter Schmidlin)
- Peter Schärli no concept (2001)
Sandy Patton voc, Peter Schärli tp, Vince Benedetti p, Thomas Dürst b, Peter Schmidlin dr
Concerts in Switzerland. Chiasso Jazz Festival 2001
- Dom Um Romão
Since the beginning of the 1980s, Peter Schärli has played more than 100 concerts with the percussionist Dom Um Romão in various projects (concerts, school concerts, workshops and theater productions).
CD Peter Schärli: “Don’t Change Your Hair For Me” Balllada and Brazil (TCB 98952)
CD Peter Schärli Special Choice “April Works” (Unit Records 4095)
- Christy Doran-Peter Schärli Project at the Jazz Festival Willisau 1984 
Glenn Ferris - tb, Olivier Magnenat - b, Dave Doran - dr, Christiy Doran - g, Peter Schärli - tp
- Kifaru 
Daniel Guggenheim ts/ss, Urs Blöchlinger reeds, Peter Schärli tp, flh, frh, Christoph Baumann p, Hämi Hämmerli b, Marco Käppeli dr
Concerts in Switzerland
- Uhuru Quintet
Daniel Guggenheim ts/ss, Hartmut Grabe p, Thomas Dürst b, Guido Parini dr, Peter Schärli tp
Concerts in Switzerland

P.O. Box
5001 Aarau

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