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The “Patron Club” enables Peter Schärli to realize projects that would not be possible without this important financial support.
I have been working as a trumpeter, bandleader and composer for more than 35 years. My music has many fans and I can count myself among the more successful swiss jazz musicians. From a financial perspective, my job is a big challenge: there are fewer and fewer resources available and more and more musicians want to benefit from them.

In order to still be able to realize my plans, I founded a “patron club”. Currently supporting me
approx. 40 people with an annual fee.That touches and honors me very much! Thanks to these people it is only possible for me to survive as an unconventional musician. I would like to further expand my “patron club” so that I have the time I need for my ideas and can work even more independently.

In the spirit of a patron who wrote me these apt lines:
I hope that at least 99 other patrons will donate a few hundred francs for you and your great contribution to Swiss jazz. 100 x 300.- is CHF 30,000.-, that would be a nice basis with which you could turn to your wonderful music more freely and with more focus, somewhat relieved of the commercial and existential pressure.

Is it all utopia? - I hope not!

With an Annual fee of CHF 250.- you are in as a patron.  


Of course, I will inform you annually about the activities carried out, invite you to all my concerts and send you my latest CDs.


Fill out the membership form and send it to me by post.

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