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Schärli & Zytynska “duoplus”
Peter Schärli - trumpet
Sylwia Zytynska - drums
Peter Schärli, Sylwia Zytynska and an invited guest give special and unforgettable moments in life.
We have been playing together in a variety of formations for twenty years, through which we have continually discovered and developed our mutual musical understanding.
For this reason we started to form the duo Schärli & Zytynska – with ever-growing success.
This work gave rise to the idea of our new project: Schärli & Zytynska “duoplus”.
We invite one guest to each of our concerts. With our improvisations we want to give the audience a special, unforgettable moment in life. The concert is followed by the second “halftime”, namely a relaxed conversation with the audience over a small snack/apéro and a glass of wine. This get-together is an important part of our concept!
Our previous guests:
Charlotte Hug
Catherine Lanfranconi
Lauren Newton
Co Streiff
Saadet Türköz
Dominic Dolega
Dominique Girod
Gerry Hemingway
Hans Koch
Klaus Merz
Jean Jacques Pedretti
Klara Germanier
Mathilde Raemy
Marina Tantanazi
Valeria Zangger
Fritz Hauser
Jonas Kocher
Kevin Sommer
Jacques Widmer
Peter Schärli and Sylwia Zytynska about: Schärli & Zytynska “duoplus”

The concert series Peter Schärli & Zytynska “duoplus” is financially supported by:

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